Terry, no matter how goofy you can be ( and I love goofy) there is always something new for me to explore in your posts. I appreciate that so much. Thank you for introducing me to Ann Kennedy Smith. That photograph is so beautiful, but I could not determine if it was taken by Ann or if she was just borrowing it.
The whole "whale" thing associated with Jonah is the result of a translation error in one Bible edition that has only recently been corrected. The line "a fish's abdomen", though, is correct, since it was an oversized fish that swallowed him.
Terry! I've been missing your correspondence - thank you so much for this latest letter! I'm looking forward to the prospect of replying to it on Wednesday - Since before Christmas I've been amassing nonsense to write to you about, and of course there are plenty of topics in your letter for further discussion!
'Should we ever meet again....' well, I know that our hour-long weekly date for eleven weeks from Monday is to be held on Zoom, but does that not count as a meeting? Hang on, though - your '60-minute writer' course perhaps isn't going to provide the right sort of environment for our Monopoly grudge match, so we'd better schedule the game for another occasion!
Oh Terry, that’s so funny - it’s been on my list all weekend to log in to the Classroom, and I did it an hour or so ago, which is before I read this comment of yours! So yes, I HAVE answered the questionnaire - and indeed - as you know - also e-mailed you in a panic to apologise that I’d missed your deadline! 🤣
That’s just like me - to get on the wrong side of the teacher even BEFORE the start of term……. 🙄
Yup. I've a habit of generating newsworthy nonsense which I then leak to the press so as to give me a reliable source for those seemingly-authentic news stories I sometimes write to you about.
I too came to compliment you on your use of the word ‘persiflage’ 🤣 Happy New Year and I look forward to listening in to all the bantz (it’s what the young folk call it I hear) between you & our wonderful Ms Holden in 2025.
I would love to be a fly on the wall during yours & “yo, Becks” monopoly challenge. My money is on you, Becks. I also cannot wait to read Miss Rebecca’s persiflage in reply. I will own up at this stage that I had look the word up ignoramus that I am.
I couldn't agree more about the experience of Christmas ending, Christmas curmudgeon that I am xxx
Despite having read the word numerous times since the beginning of my now long-standing correspondence with Terry, Jo - including at least one edition in which I recall him actually defining it - I have to this day no reliable idea what 'persiflage' means....! 🤣
Terry, no matter how goofy you can be ( and I love goofy) there is always something new for me to explore in your posts. I appreciate that so much. Thank you for introducing me to Ann Kennedy Smith. That photograph is so beautiful, but I could not determine if it was taken by Ann or if she was just borrowing it.
That's a very good point, Sharron. I assumed it was hers.
The whole "whale" thing associated with Jonah is the result of a translation error in one Bible edition that has only recently been corrected. The line "a fish's abdomen", though, is correct, since it was an oversized fish that swallowed him.
Spoil sport! I prefer him to have been swallowed by a whale. This is all assuming, of course, that Jonah was a historical figure.
Terry! I've been missing your correspondence - thank you so much for this latest letter! I'm looking forward to the prospect of replying to it on Wednesday - Since before Christmas I've been amassing nonsense to write to you about, and of course there are plenty of topics in your letter for further discussion!
'Should we ever meet again....' well, I know that our hour-long weekly date for eleven weeks from Monday is to be held on Zoom, but does that not count as a meeting? Hang on, though - your '60-minute writer' course perhaps isn't going to provide the right sort of environment for our Monopoly grudge match, so we'd better schedule the game for another occasion!
So.... are these weekly zoom meetings to be private tête-à-têtes? Or will they be open to voyeurs on the other side of the planet?
Rebecca is referring to my 60 minute writer course, which takes place over zoom for an hour a week, which she signed up to despite my protestations.
'....despite my protestations'?????
You had no chance to protest - ha ha ha - cos I signed up without telling you until afterwards! *evil cackling*
Really looking forward to it!
Chortle. Have you accepted the invitation to the Classroom yet? There's a pre-course questionnaire there <Snigger>
Oh Terry, that’s so funny - it’s been on my list all weekend to log in to the Classroom, and I did it an hour or so ago, which is before I read this comment of yours! So yes, I HAVE answered the questionnaire - and indeed - as you know - also e-mailed you in a panic to apologise that I’d missed your deadline! 🤣
That’s just like me - to get on the wrong side of the teacher even BEFORE the start of term……. 🙄
It has been noted in my assessment folder. I operate a three strikes and you're out policy
Oh! Sorry! Thank you, Terry.
Wait! You DELIBERATELY amass nonsense? I've always assumed you were trying to be serious.
Yup. I've a habit of generating newsworthy nonsense which I then leak to the press so as to give me a reliable source for those seemingly-authentic news stories I sometimes write to you about.
I too came to compliment you on your use of the word ‘persiflage’ 🤣 Happy New Year and I look forward to listening in to all the bantz (it’s what the young folk call it I hear) between you & our wonderful Ms Holden in 2025.
Thanks, Vicki. Bantz: excellent. As someone who identifies as a teenager I will start using that word whenever I can. Chortle
'Bantz'! LOVE that, Vicki! 🤣
I would love to be a fly on the wall during yours & “yo, Becks” monopoly challenge. My money is on you, Becks. I also cannot wait to read Miss Rebecca’s persiflage in reply. I will own up at this stage that I had look the word up ignoramus that I am.
I couldn't agree more about the experience of Christmas ending, Christmas curmudgeon that I am xxx
Nobody has heard of that word, Jo, so you're not an ignoramus at all. Re: mono: perhaps we will ask Jim to video it 🤣
Despite having read the word numerous times since the beginning of my now long-standing correspondence with Terry, Jo - including at least one edition in which I recall him actually defining it - I have to this day no reliable idea what 'persiflage' means....! 🤣
Typical. My erudition is wasted on some people.
It is light and slightly contemptuous mockery or banter "an air of persiflage" according to the Oxford dictionary 😁
Thanks, Jo! x
Indeed. The definition i came across originally was 'idle banter', which implies there is a kind of banter that ISN'T idle.
My own banter is of the hard-working kind, naturally.
naturally! 🤣