Yo Terry, over the top it sure is, BUT a brilliant experiment with a chuckle. And what a great set of comments generated

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Very colorful! 🤣

I'm sitting at my black desk, typing on my black and silver keyboard, while viewing my black monitor. I'm listening to my black speakers with my black headphones. My black table lamp sits on my desk while my black cable modem (something I had no choice in color) sits at the end of my desk. My black router sits on my black filing cabinet. Meanwhile, my black cell phone sits next to me on the desk. Oh, did I mention I have a black mousepad and a black and silver mouse. Oh, there is my black printer. The chair that I sit in is black. I'm noticing a pattern here. 🤣

I do have color in my home office though. The walls are cream and the floor is light tan.

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How very monochromatic 😂

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Certainly more Colourful! Does it add to the story? I am reading about Lyric Essays at the moment and I guess this fits with that up to a point - however they are lyrical and personal, a poesie/prose mashup and I think it depends what you want to achieve. This would need to contain more feeling stuff than just the colour references to be a lyric essay or if you simply want to make a prose account more interesting to read, then it probably is a bit too much...

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I think Nathan's offering goes a long way to adding the feeling you suggest, lol

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Part of the joy of these is seeing the title and then wondering what exactly the experiment is going to be. I knew this was going to be something colourful, but wasn't sure quite what. Colour me surprised and pleased with the result :)

Maybe you should combine with one of the excessively flowery prose versions and incorporate such colours as follows 😆

Celestial Sapphire

Radiant Orchid

Opulent Azure

Ebon Twilight

Gilded Amethyst

Mauve Mirage

Verdant Velvet

Regal Crimson

Luminescent Pearl

Ivory Elegance

Enigmatic Onyx

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Reminds me of a pal of mine who is a very creative boutique paint manufacturer, lol

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My eyes are hurting but I enjoyed this version Terry.

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Blimey, and you thought YOU had a headache, Terry! Magenta wall + soft yellow glow? I need an eye mask! 🤣

Seriously, though - I love this extra layer of very colourful description. I found myself trying to predict which colour you were going to come up with next, and this version of the story has really made me think about how to use colour in my own writing. Funnily enough I've included the word 'orange' in the post I've been drafting this afternoon - I must have caught a vibe from this post even before you'd published it! 🤣

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Thanks, Rebecca. I thought it over-the-top myself, but that's because virtually every sentence had at least one colour in it. It's interesting how a colour can subtly change the feel of a piece.

You caught the vibe? I always knew you were a hippy at heart. 😂

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It was massively over-the-top, you're right - but it was precisely that quality that switched me on to thinking about colour in a way I perhaps hadn't been before reading your post. You were sooooo descriptive that I even started looking around the room I'm in right now, muttering 'beige carpet, grey shadows and yellow sunlit patches, pink fountain pen, shiny silver computer, blue pencil case, cup of tea that's black as treacle......' I've landed in Oz!

Colour is uplifting - yes, even beige.

And LOL - yeah, groovy, man..... 🌸🌼

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Had the same mellow yellow to vivid teal effect on me too, lol

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Interesting. I honestly thought that post had no value beyond an experiment, so thank you!

And lol: 😎😎😎

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It got my thoughts sparking in other directions, so that’s a win!

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Very true 😉

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