
By the way, can anyone spot the omission in the tube map?

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St Paul's! ⛪︎

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Show off!

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Guilty as charged. What of it? 😉

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haha, a millionaire by Christmas!

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Jun 25Liked by Terry Freedman

Stan Getz might not have picked up the spuds on his way to the bus stop but a friend once phoned John Scofield, famous American jazz guitarist. My friend has a record label and had been practicing the conversation for days. John’s wife answered: “Oh hi, can you hang on, John’s just gravelling the drive”.

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🤣🤣 that makes me feel a lot better, David! Thank you 😊

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Jun 25Liked by Terry Freedman

Oh! I forgot to mention one thing: Sonny Rollins is amazing. I especially loved his bit on The Rolling Stones, Waiting on a Friend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU1UMIb8a20. Thanks for the reminder of him.

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That's so typical Rollins. Hadn't heard that before. Thanks!

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Terry Freedman

Your recording of the tune in your head would be the perfect soundtrack to the part of the movie where you and Elaine are on a bus or a train heading toward a coffee/tea shop to meet Rebecca and Jim, who are also on a bus or a train. I loved it. And the jazz singer is dreamy! How neat that you met her and chatted for a bit. As always, love your drawings, Mona looks on brand.

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Lol. A great suggestion, Mary! Thanks re Drawings 😄

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Jun 24Liked by Terry Freedman

Okay! I watched the Bob Hope--I'm still laughing! I should watch some of those movies. Do you know which one this was? In the past I thought they might be too nuts for me but this was a wonderful moment (especially now!) so I'd like to see it. (or did you say which one it was--I'll go back and look). Anyway I don't know if you follow Trump much but his lies are absolutely stunning (he said Dems are threatening to execute him--just one tiny example--and his base believes it apparently) and the lies are getting bigger and more unhinged and, well, he hardly ever says anything true. We and most of our friends just spend a lot of time in pure shock at how such a jerk ever got near the White House. CNN did a big report on what's going on where you are and it seemed very complicated! But we'll keep working on understanding. Oh those polly-tishans!

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I love bob hope's deadpan delivery! Glad it didn't offend you. I think it was in a film called The Ghost Breakers. I didn’t know that about Trump. 😬

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Jun 24Liked by Terry Freedman

I didn't see everything on the original page, and when I linked to your music, then the Hope thing came up (that's never happened before so maybe a glitch?) but I forgot to listen. I'll go back soon and do that. I loved the Bob Newhart one though.

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Oh how strange. I hope you enjoy it. Yes, Bob Newhart has always made me laugh!

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😆😆😆😆I am rolling in laughter. This is one of the funniest ones ever, Terry. BUT, a future mayor of London CANNOT be caught cheating, NO! Why did you confess like so? There were brilliant moments—“The last time I saw a rhombus was when I glanced at the hand of some celebrity sporting a massive diamond ring.”😆 And I am like Elaine, and you are like Sri. He says his body hurts after a day long meet and I’d love to know and chat about the story of every human on the train or bus!

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Lol. How funny! No wonder you and Elaine got on so well. 😅 thanks for kind words!

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Say hi to Elaine from me! Sahil too got along—by the way, he got tasked by our guru with writing a weekly newsletter at a religious school camp where he is mentor;) It’s going to be interesting indeed!😉

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I will, and yes I remember. That's a great opportunity for him. Great that his mum is a writer!

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Jun 24Liked by Terry Freedman

Oh yes! Especially the half-smile--brilliant!

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

I forgot to say, I hope you liked the bob Hope clip and didn't take it amiss 🤭

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LOL. I did try to be true to the original (to some extent at least!)

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Jun 24Liked by Terry Freedman

So funny, Terry! And the pan pipe/flute piece was lovely.

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Thanks very much, Susan, so kind. Did you enjoy my improvement of the Mona Lisa? 😁🫣

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Jun 24Liked by Terry Freedman

The bah humbug man in action. But I really enjoyed this. Weird playing a sax that doesn’t sound remotely like a sax! But nicely done despite that. Loved Louise Messenger and Sydney Poitier. Thanks for a good read /listen / watch.

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Bah humbug man? 🤣 Thanks, Beth. I have come across a digital sax that DOES sound more like a real saxophone, but it costs nearly three times what I paid.

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Loved your music clip, Terry! Fantastic work! 🎷🪈 Awesome art, too - your bike ride representation is fabulous. What an amazing celebrity encounter on the number 8 bus - how wonderful - thank you so much for showing us the clip of Louise Messenger in action. Loved watching the bass player - Jim plays upright bass (it's the only instrument tall enough for him!) 😁

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Thanks very much! Really? You've never mentioned that before. I demand a rendition. I know my rights. What music? Jazz?

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He’s not playing much at the moment but he twangs his bass in quiet moments at work. He’s played in a number of bands in the past, but not for a few years now - when he went freelance for work he found he couldn’t commit to dates. His upright bass was his 40th birthday to himself - rather less dangerous than the more typical mid-life motorbike!

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Harder to ride though, unless he puts wheels on it. I'd love to buy a sports car, but would probably not be able to get out of it without help from the fire brigade.

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Yeah, I remember pointing that out to him at the time! And gosh, I feel I like deploying a hoist every time I get in and out of my own car - and it's not a sports car, it's a very unexotic Ford Fiesta! 🤣

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🤣 you need to do yoga, like I don't

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Tried that once. #can’tbendwon’tbend

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Jun 24Liked by Terry Freedman

Yes, Sharron is right. The sax bit is excellent. Congratulations on mastering the horn (and mustering the courage) enough to share this, Tel.

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Thanks very much, Mark. I think "mastering" is somewhat overstating the case!

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Jun 24Liked by Terry Freedman

How to save a million dollars by Christmas - now THERE"S a hook if I ever saw one.

From the second I clicked on Louise Messenger I began smiling and just kept smiling the entire time she sang. What a delight!

As for your sax bit? I am thoroughly impressed, Terry! More please.

I love the way you so clearly depicted the forward movement of the bicycles in your drawing. They nearly rode right off the page.

Great post today - Che Bella Mescolanza! as they say in Italy

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Ooh, thanks, Sharron! And for the Italian, which I I had to look up 🤣

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Do you think of yourself as a polymath ? Just curious. I have solved Zen riddles / AKA " koans " ( I wish ! ) & I'm studying the work of Quentin Tarantino. I don't know which is more difficult.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

I dunno. Isuppose so. My interests are eclectic, my knowledge less so. Zenith loans? Blimey. I don't think they're meant to be solved are they? I thought the idea was to blow your fuses so that you enter a state of detachment for a while.

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Ditto for me with the Road movies and Poitier (for me it's "In The Heat Of The Night").

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😁 I love that film. I've watched it several times. I think the acting and the song are superb.

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