Mar 19Liked by Terry Freedman

Great mini essay on genuine writing, Terry. The analogy between music and writing is thought provoking. My takeaway from it is "Play (write) with abandon."

The first video was hilarious. I loved the woman's reaction. The Tom and Jerry cartoon is amazing, especially considering that it was made many years before before the advent of computer generated imagery.

Nathan's piece is brilliant as usual.

So much great stuff here to start the week! Thanks, Terry

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These conversations are great! Scriptwriting in your future? (Or past?)

Lovely reflection on playing with feeling as well. Something we can all learn from.

My, you have a lot of projects! 😁

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Brilliant. We are searching for those blue notes hidden in the forest, like precious mushrooms...

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Mar 19Liked by Terry Freedman

Great analogy of music and writing! So true.

Never knew that about the lamp posts etc in Bristol. Very clever.

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Thanks Terry, I love the music/writing analogy and the entertainment!

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Mar 18Liked by Terry Freedman

One of my favourite of your posts I think. Music and writing from the heart always work best. Cerebral stuff is all very good, but doesn’t touch the listener and reader in the same way. And I loved the videos, particularly the Tom and Jerry piece. Ah the memories. Thanks so much Maestro Terrence. 🤗🤗

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Mar 18Liked by Terry Freedman

I'm afraid I have no experience with digital saxes. I did google it and I see that most of them do not use the standard key layout, so if your goal is to practice without annoying people you probably need to get the Yamaha, unless there are others that say they use the standard key layout. I've been practicing the overtones a bit which may not translate to the digital instrument and really needs to be practiced all the time, but if your just looking to practice playing in the "normal" range I would think it would work pretty well. And the prices I saw are not too excessive - at least not compared to real saxophones.

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Mar 18Liked by Terry Freedman

Yes, he just came upstairs and says he'll write back to you. Let us know if it doesn't get to you!

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Mar 18Liked by Terry Freedman

Oh, forgot to say, so glad you're feeling better. I was experiencing quite a cold myself, but nothing like what you described which sounded terrible!

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Terry Freedman

Wonderful, Terry. Thank you. I'll send your sax section especially to my husband Victor (he's downstairs in his man-cave), who loves to play sax also! I know he'll enjoy your "Will you still love me tomorrow" story too.

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Love your analogy of music to writing. I have no patience for flowery writing that pulls me out of a story or a novel that needs a compendium or dictionary. (Michael Chabon, ahem.)

Great videos. Can you still talk to post boxes?

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I think you're getting closer to sharing with us your saxophone playing. It's just a matter of time.

The videos were great. I like the one where the guy knows everything about the car but not his wife! It's hilarious. I haven't seen Tom & Jerry in forever. Brought back a lot of childhood memories of always watching them. The lamppost texting is cool. The buses that run in my area are supposed to arrive exactly on the time that they say on their website. They have a pamphlet with all of the bus numbers and the running times. I used to hear them on my scanner and they would run into some problems with irate people on the bus, where they would have to call the police. Sometimes people would have medical issues and that would slow down the times. Other times, they would be running way behind because of traffic due to accidents and they would have to tell another bus to tell the riders to wait for them.

How you could miss the wife, I don't know. I think I'll pass on this one. I don't want to get on Elaine's bad side. 🤣

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Thanks, Terry! I'm honored.

Sorry if I've missed it, but do you play alto or tenor?

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What a terrific post - it's lovely to meet Terry the musician, and I love the comparison you've drawn with writing.

The 'Will you still love me tomorrow?' story is brilliant! I asked a friend once what her Desert Island Discs would be, and she told me that she had dozens of favourite songs, but didn't know which one topped the lot.

'What's YOUR favourite song?' she asked me.

'I Don't Want To Talk About It', I replied.

The conversation stopped right there. 😳🤣

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Mar 18Liked by Terry Freedman

Congratulation on performing something you were proud of, Terry. A milestone! It is almost time to present it to US! And, yes, you are so smart about the corollary: "When WRITING, stop thinking about yourself, and trying to make a good impression, or at least not making a poor impression. Forget about the audience, and relax. Just WRITE it for yourself." Always the best plan, I think. Not only is the writing better, but it eliminates all the second guessing, the worry about metrics, the fear of criticism, etc. etc. By the way, could you please spell out the word saxophone. My old eyes always read it as sex rather than sax and that can't be good for my heart...

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Please bring the sax along when we meet, just kidding😊. Agree 💯. When you think of the outcomes, it’s typically anti doing your best! Inexcusable that you’d not recognize Elaine. I’d neither be as forgiving nor as gracious as her;) Did the cats recognize her?

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