Feb 16Liked by Terry Freedman

So much to "heart" in this post. "Cantaloupe Island" is another great tune from the past, and the "we don't need no stinking badges" is one of Jim's and my favs, as our last name sounds like "batches". Nobody needs no stinkin' batches. 🤣. Muddy Waters is one calm dude. Great tune. How cool you're learning musical theory behind improvisation. Can you give a 3 point recap? I'm intrigued and want to know more! Video, too, please. Thanks for the Thrivin' mention, and I can't wait to finish Mocha!!!

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Feb 13Liked by Terry Freedman

Thanks for the lovely shout out Terry. I may borrow that quote for my (entirely non-existent) promotional material ;)

Sorry about the tooth infection. Hope it heals up. Such things are awful.

Hehe at the AI. I feel I can spot AI-written paragraphs quite well now.

Love the jazz videos. The second one reminds me of the wild, wild places that Snarky Puppy go. This is very (amazing) contempory stuff, but e.g. see the following, especially the keyboard solo later on: https://youtu.be/L_XJ_s5IsQc?si=ZXf3J5a63SrVsEBd

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AI... a way to too one's horn without tooting one's horn! It did an OK job, I guess.

Wishing you well with your course. I will definitely toot it for you, if you wish.

Also wishing you a speedy recovery; teeth can be savage creatures!

Thank you for a brilliant read - as always.

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He's a wonderful singer and musician.

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"I'm A King Bee" was written and originally recorded by Louisiana-based blues musician James Moore, better known as Slim Harpo.

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A marvellous musical medley to start this week, Terry - very many thanks!

I particularly enjoyed reading the tutor bio for the Oulipo course offered by City Lit - what an interesting chap you sound, as indeed does the course. I'm still in the throes of geeing up my co-pilot to make travel arrangements for the date in question - at this rate I'm going to leave him behind and plan my own weekend in the ' Smoke without him....

Oh, and please rescue Minty - or is it Mocha? - from that threatening-looking literature about economics. Whatever has she done to warrant being made to tackle such dry reading material?!

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Feb 13Liked by Terry Freedman

Thanks, Terry, for the tuneful interludes this Tuesday morning! Some of my favorite old blues riffs! Whoever wrote King Bee, I suspect, may have lacked confidence in the bedroom and felt a need for hyperbole, but Muddy Waters sure as hell sounded convincing to me! He had a hell of a harmonica player, too, didn't he! But in the world of Tuesday morning posts, YOU are the King Bee, if you ask me.

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Feb 13Liked by Terry Freedman

That's funny - I was even tempted to click the link to City Lit!

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Your handwriting, creating constrained mental motions far exceeds the redundancy of AI and I am filled with your musically chosen platters by artists that enlighten with enthusiasm and entertainment. AI needs an editor or perhaps a gifted girlfriend behind the scenes that can set the beast straight with more insight to weave a great story.

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