I was not expecting the deep cut reference to Noddy - whose series of books featuring were foisted upon me as a child for reasons uncertain (my mother’s nostalgia, I suspect). That costume would have been amazing.

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Reading about the posted potato made me spill my tea, Terry! 🤣

Another terrific letter - I've laughed out loud several times, and I'm looking forward to penning my response to it in due course. Thank you for the Austen book recommendation - you've reminded me, actually, that I have an Austen-related book to read now that I've finished the glorious 'Emma'.


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107 years! Is this a true story? Thats similar to the library book story that was returned after 40 years with a $2000 late fee. Something like that.

Here we have the Dead Letter Office. It’s where all the letters to Santa end up.

The garden hose attachment— one can spend hours in the hardware store. Did you find the correct attachment or did you have to make a trip back and exchange the item?

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Apr 11Liked by Terry Freedman

I had to Google Montjac. A cute little thing, I hope the cats didn't scare him.

Also had to look up Noddy. Really Terry?

I do see why you have to resort to the "bathing machine" to keep the women from fainting although it looks as if the muscles in your right arm have descended to your elbow which is an indication that gravity is catching up with you. Get that sorted out, Sir Terry!

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11Liked by Terry Freedman

Thanks for the chuckle tonight, and the mention. Lo and behold, I have an Enid book next to me which will be the next thing I pick up. Thanks, too, for writing about the The Real Jane Austen - I love those kind of books that talk about what folks did at particular times. It's a little bit like etiquette books but with (sometimes) more interesting tidbits. I had never heard of a muntjac but I looked it up and now I must draw one, perhaps for one of tomorrow's BrewTime(c) Post It notes. There are a few Brits in my office - maybe they'll yell over to me, "Hey! You drew a muntjac!" Your sending different things through the mail was so good! I would like to try send something clever to someone. However, if I go to the counter at my post office, I must answer questions before they allow me to buy postage: "Is there anything fragile, liquid, or perishable? Are there any lithium batteries or perfumes?" and so on. Love the drawings, too, btw.

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Apr 10Liked by Terry Freedman

On variant addresses: I read in a biography of Harry Truman a description of sorting work done on postal rail cars between stations. One letter was addressed to "Judge Hot Dog, Washington." Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter got the letter promptly. I imagine it wasn't fan mail.

BGB and I are just about ready to step on our jet, arriving a ways north of you via Paris. I hope you have super powers enough to part raincoats and let the sun shine on us!

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Apr 10Liked by Terry Freedman

Another delightful letter! I am so glad I subscribed to this exchange, Terry.

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They need to have that reverse question mark on modern keyboards!

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