I just searched the Austin Public Library's holdings and they don't have a copy of Good Handwriting and How to Acquire It, in any edition, unrevised, nor in a reduced size. I'm going to look for it in used and collectibles' book stores because it looks like just my thing! Oh, that I might borrow a book from Freedman Towers. I hear they have a resident cat or two.

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Aren't you sweet getting Rebecca and Jim those lovely books! The Life of Crime...did you read that whole thing or is more of a reference about the novels? The Austen series looks beautiful, well done! Enjoy.

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I didn't give them any books! The Life of Crime is very readable, and it's great for going down a rabbit hole. For example, if you read the chapter on X, you'll find lots of cross-references to other chapters or people, so you have to read those sections too, and they have cross-references....

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One of the many reasons I enjoy reading you and Rebecca is for the subtle differences in English vs. American language and culture. Historians here in the US say that George Washington, Ben Franklin et al, probably spoke the Kings English and that the American southern accent is the first evolution from there. Thanks y'all!

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Thanks, Jim, I didn't know that. I quite like the southern "ya'all": I think it has character!

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Another fun read. Thanks so much.

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Thanks, Beth. You're welcome 🙂

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Thanks for the reminder about your "American English" post. I read it again. From California, a big-ass thank you for always taking my mind off the world and entertaining me!

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LOL Thanks, Sharron

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Actually, my immediate thought about 'The Life of Crime' on your bookshelf wasn't that it was your autobiography, but your biography - written perhaps by one of your past cellmates. I am reassured to learn instead that you are not featured within the book at all - when I last looked, you see, it transpired that Terry Freedman is not a work of fiction. 😉

Another great letter, Terry - I can't wait to respond more comprehensively in my reply to it next week!

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Typical. I have been in prison of course, as I wrote about here: https://open.substack.com/pub/terryfreedman/p/teaching-behind-bars-with-a-postscript?r=18suih&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web


Thankks for kind words, Rebecca. I look forward to your reply <snigger>

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<snigger> back atcha. 😉

I remember your prison post - thank you so much for the reminder about it, and for the link!

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And you know the cats will now use those unpacked books of yours as beds, right? :).

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They already have, Olga! 😂

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