Love that fish drawing, I'd like it on a t-shirt for the days I hope I'm not interrupted at work. Love the story, too.

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Thanks Mary. It's only very simple though innit. Not like yours

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Love simple.

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Me too!

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Yes, the proper bait is essential but one would be wise to remember that if a woman only loves you for your spreadsheet, there is always someone with a bigger, better spreadsheet to come along.

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Now you tell me 😡

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That fish isn't angry, or not JUST angry. After all, it has a hook in its mouth. Ouch!

Four words, post scripts and writing...I'm hooked two.

As anyone can see, I have a little streak of the inevitable, unenviable humor that won't go away in me.

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Love this. And the tale that inspired it.

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😁 Thanks, Prue!

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Why is the fish so angry? I ask the hard questions Terry.

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Most of my characters, such ad me, my brother the cat, the bird on the signpost, and now the fish look -- well, not angry as such, but tough. I ought really to have given the fish a pair of shades to complete the image. Chortle😎

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Do the stories get bigger with every telling? 🐠

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This is excel-lent x

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<groan> Very good, Helena 😁💓

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A spreadsheet as the right bait! ha ha ha. I love it. As the French say, "Chacun à son goût" . I have always loved the Nasreddin stories. One semester, in an ESL class I taught, a student from Afghanistan practiced his English writing skills by translating Nesreddin stories. I really loved going through his work with him!

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Thanks, Sharron! That sounds like a great way of learning English!

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Well, any time the teacher can personalize the lesson, it heightens motivation. You know that, my friend, better than most. If students can talk or write about themselves and their world, if the grammar examples are personalized, they hang in!

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Exactly. One of my pupils who would never write a thing for me wrote a brilliant piece on football. I said to him, how come you did this, consideting you’re usually a headbanger? He replued, cos all the stuff you give me is boring; football is interesting. Fair enough, I thought.

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Why indeed!

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😂 I think the Nasrudin tale, old as it is, is disconcertingly modern!

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I believe that you like designing spreadsheets, but do you Excel at it? I would enjoy creating relational databases, but I can’t seem to Access any.

By the way, I like your story.

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<holds head in hands> Very good, Cary! Chortle.

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Puns are easy. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

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Clichés too, I see. 🤣

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A semblance of control. Yes, that's the best we can hope for.

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I saw a presentation some years ago in which the speaker cited research that showed that workers in a factory stopped complaining about it being too hot or too cold when they were given a control panel for adjusting the temperature. Unbeknownst to them, the control panel had no effect whatsoever. 😁

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That is fascinating and it makes sense. It has been said that things that seem out of our control create the most stress for us. I think many of us can attest to that with the current state of the world. Yet, most control is simply an illusion just like that control panel.

I'm sure my husband would like to give me a control panel like that as I am constantly turning up the heat🤣

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I have tje same issue as him! 😂

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HMM - " Zen & The Art of Designing Spreadsheets " ?

" The Tao / Dao of Spreadsheets" !


I don't think that these are really landing.....

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Good effort though, well done. Effort: 5/5; Attainment: 1/5. Chortle, snigger

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THANKS ! I do better after some THC, Amanita, or even Ashwagandha. Then I have to find my DAMN FINGERS.

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I’ll take your word for it! Chortle

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That s--t is powerful !

Ashwagandha ain't too shabby either, even if it DOESN'T make you think that you can design your own UNIVERSE..... 🌌✨🌟 Well, SOMETIMES.....

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