I love this, Terry - what a lovely angle for your story.

My favourite kind of writing is exactly this: the travel diary - Three Men in a Boat, Wild, Walking Home, The Salt Path, Coasting - and I'm saving up for a walking/writing trip somewhere beautiful in the next couple of years. Reading your post has prompted me to blow the dust off a project of mine, and I'm very grateful to you for that!

Another great experiment in style! Keep 'em coming!

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Thanks, Rebecca. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Your walking/writing trip idea sounds lovely. And painting I hope.

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Walking/painting/writing - such a lovely combination. 😊

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Ok so EVERYONE likes the bored ham sandwich then...

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I have very discerning readers who appreciate amazing literature, that's my explanation anyway!

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Sep 1Liked by Terry Freedman

Very good, Terry. I believe all travel diaries are made more interesting with rickshaw rides.

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😁 Thanks, Jim!

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Sep 1Liked by Terry Freedman

As ever, incredibly believable and well executed.

"bored ham sandwich" a winning line, haha.

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Thanks you, Sire 😁

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Seconded. Great line!

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cheers, mate😀

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"...a bored ham sandwich..." Made me laugh.

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Ok thirded then...

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Sep 1Liked by Terry Freedman

"... a convoy system developed during the war: nothing for ages and then three at the same time." Hey! We have that same system here on the metro. Three number #2 buses will pass by and 40 minutes later, the #3 I am waiting for.

"...a bored ham sandwich..." I love that you said bored rather than boring.

"...she declared me almost fit." Oh, to be almost fit again. sigh...

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Metro: it must be a universal problem!

'bored...': I love a good transferred epithet 😁


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Sep 1Liked by Terry Freedman

I LOVE your new ID photo. So darned cute.

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aw shucks. Thanks. I WAS cute in those days, but it wore off! Chortle.

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Sep 1Liked by Terry Freedman

Not hardly. If you were my little boy I would love you to death!

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The problem with any kind of concussion is that everything you described may have happened days ago so. So, you might have forgotten a few things, didn't wake up with a new dog did you?

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LOL. It happened weeks ago. Funny you should say that... No! Chortle.

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Well done! You keep on finding new approaches!! So clever. And definitely readable.

(A minor query on ‘district strangers’?) A good read. Thanks so much.

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Thanks very much, Beth. Yes, sorry about that, I didn't notice that autocorrect had stuck its nose in. I corrected after I sent the email. It should nhave read "distrusted"

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Distrusted strangers has a lovely sinister edge though

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It stems from my love of noir films and hardboiled fiction. You should look at the hardboiled version, I think you'll like it. https://terryfreedman.substack.com/p/experiments-in-style-hardboiled

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