Sometimes you remember a bit of slang from childhood.

In my part of Queens, when something was uproariously funny you would say it was a 'pisser'. What a pisser! (which this is)

I can't believe I remember this. haha.

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Oh, I've heard that. I thought it meant "horrible". In the UK, it's a not very nice name for a not very nice person. So much for a common language!

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I’ve lived in Europe for some time, but I still remember one of my first lessons in ex-pat life (brought on by a conversation two girls from the Midlands): my mother tongue can also be a foreign language. I had to say “Come again?” every five minutes. LOL

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I love this so much that I've got no words! You drop one thing after another and it keeps getting better and better until the piano line at the end. Brilliant. I think we need more of these please!

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Thanks very much, Donna! I stupidly forgot to include an index of all the versions so far: https://open.substack.com/pub/terryfreedman/p/experiments-in-style?r=18suih&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web Hope you enjoy those as well 😃

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I look forward to checking out the other versions.

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Stone the crows, Dr Tel, I flipping loved this! Laughing like a drain! 🤣

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😂 I forgot that one and that one!

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Sheesh, well, everything happens for a reason! 🤣 Including ALL of the clichés is a Sisyphean task - so instead of doing that, I suggest you sit down and put your feet up before you blow a gasket. 😉😁🤣

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PS did you like the joke at the end? The old ones are the best I always say!

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Yes, it was very Terry, Terry! 🤣🎵🎹

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😂🎹🎸🎷🎶🎧🎵📢📯 I've declared an emoji war 🤓

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Oh my giddy aunt, Terry, no way Jose can I keep up with this game of soldiers... 🙄

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OMG Chortle!

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